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DPA - Iranian international Vahid Hashemian says being a Muslim does not cause him any problems at German Bundesliga club Bayern Munich - but he draws the line at advertising for beer.

The 28-year-old striker told the weekly newspaper Die Zeit Thursday his beliefs were his "private affair" and not something he talked about even with other Moslem players in the Bundesliga.

Hashemian said no one at Bayern was confronted with his religious beliefs as he did not pray in the changing room. Other players also respected the fact that he had his own room in which he could pray on away trips.

But Hashemian added: "I won't do any adverts

for beer, after all I don't drink any."

Hashemian said he was not a political person, but the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh and arson attacks on mosques in the Netherlands were a cause for worry.

"The murder is an attack on humanity. I also don't understand why people destroy mosques - terrible," he said.

The former Bochum player said he also believed Iranian women should be allowed to attend men's matches in his native country, but that Iran "has to be given a little bit of time".
