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PFDC - Please sign a petition which is requesting an ammendment to FIFA's laws. A serious threat is approaching on the sanctity of International Football and we ask you sign the petition below and lend your name to ask FIFA to make law ammendments, concerning the switching of nationalities to countries which players have no relation/contact with.

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The text which can be seen in the petition link (and below) is showing our serious concern over International Football becoming like club football, where no longer is hard-work and internal development rewarded, but rather like club-football: Money.

Leandro and Dede arriving in Doha, Monday 8th March.

Ailton and wife Rosseli Rodriguez arriving in Qatar on Monday 8th March.


Please sign the petition:


Throughout its history, FIFA has proved to be a well-governed and prestigious organization, with the objective of developing, regulating, and improving football on a regional, national, and international level. Undoubtedly, FIFA has far surpassed these original goals and has been successful in establishing football as the world’s most popular sport.

Currently nearly all fans of football support their local club team as well as their nation. Throughout any land friends argue about which of their clubs are superior, with heated local derby games being an important topic in many discussions between friends. In club football the purchasing of players is a valuable tool for clubs which traditionally have been related to areas, or places of work, to improve their stature.

The popularity of international football is based on a different foundation: nationality. When a fans moves, he sometimes changes his local club, but he never forgets what national team he supports. Migrating people do support their new home nations, but this occurs when they feel comfortable and integrated in their new home. When they now feel their nationality is of their new home. International football has always been driven by pride in who you are and where you from.

The success of international football is driven by the passion of the fans, which selflessly support their countries in every competition. When these fans see the 11 players of their National Team playing on the hallowed turf, they see them as a personification of their entire nation. The excitement provoked through the competition of nations that are vastly different in culture, style, and work ethic is unparalleled by any other. This sort of competition constitutes the true essence of football’s universal popularity.

The purpose of this petition is to point out a recent trend which is very unsettling; the purchasing of players for the national game. There have always been cases of athletes born in one country representing their adopted home. This is a natural reaction, why would an athlete not want to pay back the new home which has taken him/her in? Unfortunately some nations are now ignoring the unwritten gentlemanly accord that international football is not about purchasing players, but developing the people of your own nation. Countries such as Tunisia and Qatar are giving passports to persons who have never set foot in said countries and have no ethnic ties to them, for cash.

We, the fans of International Football are seeing the highest level of football-ing competition being turned into club football; where money can talk as loudly as national pride. We ask you protect the sanctity of the game and impose a cooling off period, between which a player who moves to a new land he has no racial origins too, can represent the country in the international arena.

Although it is unfortunate that not every footballer can score a spot on the roster of their native land, it does not excuse athletes or federations from abusing and exploiting laws to their own benefit. No longer will the hardest-working nations, the most passionate nations, and the most determined nations reap the rewards of their toil. Instead, the nations with the most money and muscle, who exploit this new law most effectively, will prove the benefactors, as opposed to those who work and dedicate themselves to improving. Players of one nation play for one team, thus making it a national team.

With the rule change which no longer sees international matches below the ‘A’ level as being seen as representing your nation. Countries have a whole new market of players from which to purchase; those who excelled at a young age, but never made it to the highest level. This is now highlighting glaringly what should be written in FIFA’s rulebook; a law onto switching and representing a nation you have no ties to, without spending time in that nation. What we are seeing now, is that players of top-level footballing nations such as Brazil who represented at the U21 level, but never progressed are being offered cash and the chance to play in the World Cup, for signing a piece of paper switching allegiance to nations they have no connection with. This is a very alluring offer for players who are near the end of their careers and want to settle in a wealthy life and have a chance to taste the highest echelon of footballing competition. We agree with your recent law allowing players of dual nationality to switch, but there have to be amendments to your other laws to protect this game we love.

Please, do not strip international football of its sacred value.

Please sign the petition
