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IRNA - A spokesman for the German first division club Hamburger SV Thursday would not confirm press reports that Iranian striker Mehdi Mahdavikia has sought three million euros a year for a new contract.
"In general, we do not confirm (salary) amount but of course we do want to extend Mahdavikia`s contract," HSV spokesperson Gerd Krall told IRNA in a brief phone interview.
The bi-weekly kicker sports magazine said Thursday that contract extension talks between the ex-Pirouzi striker and the north German club have stalled as a result of Mahdavikia`s 3-million-euro wage demands.
Krall did confirm that contract extension talks have been interrupted since early summer, saying "there was no time pressure" to prematurely extend Mahdavikia`s contract beyond the summer of next
The official was not able to give a time frame as to when the negotiations could resume.
He was "unaware" of any offer from other clubs for Mahdavikia who has repeatedly signalled his willingness to stay in Hamburg beyond this season.
Mahdavikia had been linked to several top English Premier League teams in the past. 
