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PLDC - The most successful football player in the history of Mazandaran, Rahman Rezaie of Perugia, owes his fortunes to his presence within the Serie A if Italy. He spoke to the press and media in this regard and said 
that Italian football was very powerful and without equal in the world. He has gained much useful knowledge and experience through serious, hard work which has also affected the quality of his performance.

He has so far gained 5.6 of the eight points for his performance this season but he is still trying to learn more, play better games and make progress. He is still the same as last season and thinks that Perugia will still be among the top ten of the Serie A at the end of this year. 

He also commented on the recent rumour that he is thinking of becoming active in the carpet market in Italy. He said that the press and media were publishing false news to get readers. The carpet business rumour seems to be false and Rezaei denied it. He also said that he had not held a number of interviews printed in various sports publications.
