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PLDC - The vote by the Disciplinary Committee of the Football Federation has been announced in the case of Amir Hossien Sadeghi and Vahid Talebloo, Esteghlal Tehran team defender and goalkeeper.

According to a report by Mehr News Organisation, the Disciplinary Committee of the Football Federation, referring to a report by Navid Mozafari- referee of the match between Esteghlal Tehran and Mes Kerman, has deprived and assigned cash fines to Amir Hossien Sadeghi and Vahid Talebloo.

The vote by the Disciplinary Committee of the Football Federation in the case of different players of the match is as follows:

A- Amir Hossien Sadeghi- Esteghlal Tehran team player is not allowed to accompany his team for three sessions due to rough play and intention of harm to opposing team's player as well as objections voiced against the referee, and has been deprived of playing for one session in formal matches. He has also been fined 20 million Rials in cash.

B- Vahid Talebloo- Esteghlal team goalkeeper is not allowed to accompany his team for one session in formal matches due to rough play and intention of harm to opposing team's player. He has also been fined 10 million Rials in cash.

C- Esteghlal Tehran cultural sports facility has also been ordered to issue a formal written warning to be placed within players' dossiers. At the same time, in case of repetition of such misdeeds in future matches, further and more serious actions will be taken by the Disciplinary Committee against Esteghlal Tehran cultural sports facility.

The Disciplinary Committee at the same time announced that the Referee Committee of the Football Federation would take into consideration and evaluate the possible mistakes made by the referee, announcing the results and decisions in due course.

Translation: Ramin Aidi
