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IRIB - Weathered Iranian coach, Majid Jalali announced Monday he had a dream that one day he would coach Palestinian football team.

"That's one of my career life dreams," he told Qodsna, during a visit to the agency's pavilion in Tehran 19th International Book Fair.

Asked how he might enter a land occupied by Zionists if called on to do the job, Jalali underlined that he will definitely accept any offer to coach the team.

Jalali said the Palestinian squad is physically robust but it suffers shoddy tactical planning.

Turning to Palestinian development, the professional coach said that what takes place at present in Palestine is an oppression worsened by discrimination.

Concerning Palestinian combatants' martyrdom seeking operations, Jalali said that there is no other choice for them. He called on big powers to let Palestinians express their ideas.

He urged Palestinians to recall that the darkest moment in night is closest one to dawn.
