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Jadransport - One day after the chaotic defeat from Debrecen and humiliation of being knocked out with an 8:0 overall score in two-match duel against this Hungarian Champion the statements that the coach of Hajduk Split Miroslav Blazevic gave to the Croat media point out that the man who won the bronze with Croatian national team in 1998 World Cup could soon leave Poljud and by that bail out from the club that he said he would make great again.

“I am in disbelief I can’t believe this happened, I am thinking whether to resign or not,” were Blazevic’s first words after the match which could be understood differently.

Today he was in a bit depressed than shocked mood saying: “We have a league match before us and we got to do everything we can to beat Kamen Ingrad and earn some points,” while on the question could he say what went wrong last night in the match against Debrecen, Blazevic just said:

“I am not in condition to talk about it, I can’t sleep because of it and I can discuss that match over the phone or even at this moment in any other way of communication.”

Therefore it’s uncertain what will be his next move. The only thing certain is that a great number of Hajduk fans would gladly see him out of their bellowed club, just would that be the best thing to do?

If Blazevic leaves, what kind of impression would that leave of Hajduk? That it’s a club on whose bench we can see anyone and as soon as European dream is finished they can freely walk away and even get paid for it! That’s of course ridiculous as Hajduk should not be a one night stand “job”.

It’s a club with a great history and tradition whose supporters nicknamed them a long time ago “Maestro’s from the Sea” and with a good reason. The Whites have played magnificent and beautiful football and along that way some of their players became the heroes of the people.

During World War II the whole squad of Hajduk has joined the ranks of Partizan troops and fought against the occupations forces of Germany, Italy and their Croatian Ustasha’s troops led by Ante Pavelic. All of these players fought side by side with the people and after the War finished they continued to play football, with the medals of People’s heroes.

Where and when did this great spirit of pride and honor leave Split? We can only guess but that wouldn’t be fare to Hajduk despite the fact who are the men in charge of it, because they will go one day but the Whites from Split will stay forever…
