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AFC - FORMER Iran national team coach Tomislav Ivic has signed with Pirouzi, one of the two biggest club sides in the country, as technical manager of the club.

Current Pirouzi coach Vinco Begovic said a rift between the positions is unlikely as both had worked before in the past, adding that there is no better time in introduce Croat Ivic to the team as the club, currently in second place, look to overtake ZobAhan at the top of the table.

"I am very happy to have him as a guest in my house," said Begovic. "We are good friends from Croatia. He is a great coach and it is an honour for me to work with him.

"We will be working alongside each other and all of us will be learning a great deal from him.

"There will be no problems at all. We both know the framework and the limitations or our duties at the club. Also Pirouzi is in a good shape currently so we will not change anything in the team. We will just use his knowledge to better our team.

"I am absolutely happy to have him here."
