Tehran Times - Ahmadreza Barati, head of the Legal Committee of the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran (FFIRI), believes the FFIRI’s amended statutes will recognize the independence of the different bodies of the Iranian football federation.

In an exclusive interview with Tehran Times, Barati explained that the process of the amendment and working through difficulties of figuring out the right legal content for the statutes.

Tehran Times: What is the current stage of the statutes’ amendment process?

Barati: We are waiting for the general assembly of the federation to be held. The FFIRI’s general assembly must approve the amended statutes.

Tehran Times: What were the technical and legal problems of the previous statutes? Are these issues resolved in the amended version?

Barati: It was crucial for us, as well as the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and FIFA, to bring the FFIRI’s statutes in line with the latest FIFA standards. We have to observe the regulations of the world’s football governing body in our statutes. So, it was done in collaboration with FIFA and the AFC.

For example, one of the amendments made to the articles of the statutes is that the independent bodies of the Iranian football federation, namely the Disciplinary Committee, the Ethics Committee, the Appeals Committee, the election-related committees, and the Audit Committee will be elected by the general assembly. Also, the legal nature of the FFIRI is defined in such a way that both FIFA requirements and domestic laws are observed.

Regarding the conditions of the eligible candidates for the different positions in the football federation, much better conditions have been provided to ensure the election’s democracy at the highest level. There are also other significant issues that will be published for the public after approval by the General Assembly.

Tehran Times: How difficult the task of the Legal Committee was in the process of amending the statutes, and which departments provided the most assistance to your committee?

Barati: Compliance of FIFA and the AFC requirements with the domestic regulations was a very challenging process considering the sensitivity of the legal issues.

Tehran Times: Are there any new capacities or prospects for the Iranian football created by the FFIRI’s amended statutes?

Barati: To put it in a nutshell, the most important achievements of the new statutes are the independence of the different bodies of the Iranian football federation, the separation of powers, and the more democratic elections.
