Tehran Times - First vice-president of the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran (FFIRI), Ali Kafashian, believes that FIFA's objections to the FFIRI's draft statutes are not a cause for concern.
Elsewhere, the FFIRI's head of Legal and Regulations Compliance Committee, Ahmedreza Barati, has recently said that the most of the articles of the FFIRI's draft Statutes are in accordance with FIFA regulations. According to Barati, Article 1 of the FFIRI statutes states that the legal nature of the federation is a non-governmental public organization, which FIFA is not yet convinced of, and this is still a matter of controversy.
Kafashin, in an interview with ISNA, said: "The amendment of the FFIRI statutes should have been completed three or four months ago, but it did not happen. I think the draft amended statutes has been written in such a way that the independence of the football federation has been preserved."
Believing that the football federation is under the current laws of the country and FIFA respects this issue, Kafashian added: "The non-governmental public nature of the FFIRI in this Statutes is following country's laws. While respecting FIFA rules, we must also consider our own domestic rules. The FFIRI' Statutes preserves the independence of the federation, and the members of the FFIRI assembly decide on football.”
Recently there have been rumors that the FFIRI has been suspended due to FIFA's objections to the nature of the Iranian football federation, which Kafashian says it is not a cause for concern.
"No need to worry. It’s normal. The football federation belongs to the people, and the assembly of the federation decides on the matter of football. We have to convince FIFA to resolve the issue," he concluded.