Karim Ansarifard

Tasnim – Iran international forward Karim Ansarifard says that the people must stay at home and listen to doctors to defeat COVID-19.

The global death toll approaches 60,000 and there are now more than one million confirmed cases around the world.

“We are responsible to beat the virus to return to our normal life. All people must stay at home and listen to doctors,” Al-Sailiya striker said.

“I train at home to keep my fitness and I think it’s the best way to fight the coronavirus,” Ansarifard added.

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#stayathomechallenge accepted @alirezajb_official @433@.. I would like to nominate @masoudsshojaei @omarelabdellaoui @ashkandejagah @ehsanhajsafi28 @mehditaremiofficial9 @omidebrahimi @farshadmohammadiofficial ...good luck guys 👍🏻🙌🏻 #stayinyourhome #corona#bestrong •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• سلام خدمت همه مردم عزيز سرزمينم ،اميدوارم كه تو اين روزهاى سخت سعى كنيم قوى باشيم ،بهداشت فردى رو حتما رعايت كنيم و با ماندن در منزل از شر اين ويروس خلاص بشيم.(خواهش ميكنم ازتون توى خونه هاتون بمونين و حدالامكان بيرون نريد)

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