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PLDC - Early beginning of exercises and the roll of effective management had a direct influence on being Sepahan on the first place .

With saying this Jalali added : one of the important reasons that Sepahan is at the top of the table is starting the exercises before other teams due to proper decision of management .They prepared this situation by early introducing the coach .The second reason is young and motivated players .And the third reason is good technical work on these players.

We must not forget the roll of Estanko that had made players ready for success. Logically we should accept that Estanko has left a lot of results by working on players such as Moharam Navidkia , Edmond Bezik , Mahmood Karimi, and some other players.

Jalali mentioned the second half of super league to be full of agitations and excitements and added : It is obvious that none of teams would be able to gain 10 victory and this will make some difficulty for Sepahan.

With due attention to good playing of Sepahan against Pas certainly they are going to remain at the top for some time but if we say that they will be champion it is really far from reality and simple minded thought. I think Pas and Piroozi are able to reach to Sepahan . 

Posted by Afshin Shavakh
